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Grant Funding


McCall-Thomas Engineering specializes in delivering grant management services to support the development of broadband infrastructure, power delivery, electric load, and energy savings in South Carolina and surrounding states.

These services are provided by an experienced staff dedicated to the oversight and management of grants for broadband, power, and electrical projects.  The McCall-Thomas Engineering team provides consulting, planning, analysis, project management and reliable solutions for all aspects of deployment. With nearly 80 years of engineering and technical services, we provide quality service to help close the digital divide and power growth in your community.

Our team will provide responsive support connecting you to funding opportunities and manage all aspects of compliance and closeout. Allow us to assist in the application process along with meeting deadlines throughout the completion of the grant program.  We will ensure compliance under the grant requirements and conditions.

Notice of Federal & State Grants and key dates:

(These include loan only, grant only, and combination grant & loan.  Additional research into each Grant program may be needed to determine eligibility requirements.)

State Broadband Funding Opportunities



ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) SLFRF 3.0

Department: Department of Treasury

(A SC Investment program, please review your State Broadband Funding Opportunities above for Grants specific to your state.)

For More Info – Click Here.




10/25 - 3rd Quarter 2024 Financial/ Construction Progress
Report & Quarterly Expenses Due

ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Capital Projects Fund

Department: Department of Treasury

(A SC Investment program, please review your State Broadband Funding Opportunities above for Grants specific to your state.)

Construction & Reporting Period.

For More Info – Click Here.

ORS has opened the Comment Period whereby anyone may provide written feedback by August 18, 2023 on any grant application, including their own.

9/27 - 3rd 3 month Financial/Construction Progress Report and Expenses Due
Period of: 6/1/24 - 8/31/24

BEAD (Broadband Equity Access & Deployment)

Department: Department of Treasury

Challenge Period (90 days – April thru June)

For More Info – Click Here.

7/14 – Last day of Final Determination.

BEAD Subgrantee Selection (Begins 30 days after Challenge) Publication of Final Determinations

BEAD Subgrantee Selection

BEAD Subgrantee Selection

Broadband Technical Assistance Program


2024 Funding Window is Now Open

For More Info – Click Here.

8/20 – Applications are Due.

Community Connect Grants


Application Period Has Closed 2/20/24.

For More Info – Click Here.

ReConnect NOFO 5


For More Info – Click Here.



Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) R&D Funding

American Public Power Association

Applications Accepted twice a year (Feb. & August)
Next date is 8/15.

For More Info – Click Here.




8/15 - Applications Accepted for Fall.

Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy (C-SITE)

Department of Energy

For More Info – Click Here.

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program

Department of Energy

Applications Accepted twice a year (Feb. & August)
Next date is 8/15.

For More Info – Click Here.

10/31 - Application deadline for local governments

Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Topic Area 1 - Grid Resilience Grants (40101 (c))

Department of Energy

Concept Paper was due 1/12. Submission Deadline was 4/17/24.
This was a requirement for applications

For More Info – Click Here.

Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Topic Area 2 - Smart Grants (40107)

Department of Energy

Concept Paper was due 1/12. Submission Deadline was 4/17/24.
This was a requirement for applications

For More Info – Click Here.

Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Topic Area 3 - Grid Innovation Program (40103(b))

Department of Energy

Concept Paper was due 1/12.
This was a requirement for applications

For More Info – Click Here

Grid Resilience State & Tribal Formula Grant Program

Department of Energy

Concept Paper was due 1/12.
This was a requirement for applications

For More Info – Click Here.

Transmission Siting & Economic Development (TSED) Grant Program

Department of Energy

Concept Paper was due 1/12.
This was a requirement for applications

For More Info – Click Here.

Electric Infrastructure Loan & Loan Guarantee Program


Applications accepted throughout the year.
This is a loan program only.

For More Info – Click Here.

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Loan Program


Applications accepted throughout the year.
This is a loan program only.

For More Info – Click Here.

Rural Energy Savings Program


Applications for this program will be accepted on a first come first serve basis until the depletion of available funding.
This is a loan program only.

For More Info – Click Here.

Helpful Resources & Latest Announcements



USDA & US EDA Resource Guide. 

Funding Opportunities, Resources, Events & Learning: Innovation Matters – 06/21/24

USDA – Public Notice Filings – Submitted Broadband Applications

USDA – Rural Infrastructure & Jobs – Recipients – Announced May 14, 2024
USDA – Electric Loan & Loan Guarantee Program – Announced May 14, 2024

USDA - $25 Million to Help Expand High-Speed Internet Access in Rural Areas – Application Due August 20, 2024

USDA – South Carolina receives $615k in Grant Funding for Clean Energy Projects
USDA – Rural Clean Energy Federal Funding Fair

Department of Energy

Funding Programs & Opportunities

Browse Funding Opportunities – Click Here.

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